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Fall Color Reports


Welcome to the ultimate guide for fall colors in Illinois! During the autumnal months, this page is updated regularly with info on the changing leaves throughout the state. It's the perfect tool for planning your fall photo ops and outdoor adventures.

For an interactive map to see how the colors change throughout the state, view our fall colors trip planner.

Northern Illinois

Fall Report

Northern Illinois

At night, the lights of Chicago's skyline make for a dazzling display of its own, but look down and you'll see plenty of fall foliage popping up among the city's verdant parks and public spaces. Be sure to venture outside the city, where some of the best fall colors can be seen, peppering Northern Illinois, the region known as Chicago & Beyond, with all the hues of autumn.

  1. Starved Rock State Park, a storied natural area located less than 100 miles southwest of Chicago. Stay in the Starved Rock Lodge for amazing views overlooking the trees.
  2. The lush woods that make up over 10,000 acres of protected land at the Forest Preserves of Winnebago County.
  3. In Chicago, the fall trees are a great excuse to visit sites such as Millennium Park with its iconic Cloud Gate.
  4. Located in Lisle, the Morton Arboretum celebrates with fall-themed activities and events among 1,700 acres of seasonal splendor.


Northern Illinois

Central Illinois

Fall Report

Central Illinois

Central Illinois features some of autumn's most brilliant landscapes. Home to cities such as the capital, Springfield, the Illinois River Valley comes alive with the orange and yellow of maples and oaks, the purple hues of dogwoods and hazelnuts, and the red and orange clusters of rose hips on wild roses.

The Best Places to See Fall Colors:

  1. Farms and orchards, such as Prairie Fruits Farm & Creamery and The Great Pumpkin Patch.
  2. The town of Monticello, home to the 1,517-acre Allerton Park.
  3. The area round beautiful Lake Decatur, including the Rock Springs Nature Center.


Central Illinois

Southern Illinois

Fall Report

Southern Illinois

The sprawling canopies of Shawnee National Forest cover the landscape of Southern Illinois, a region known as Trails to Adventure. In the fall, hickories, red oak, and sassafras form a tapestry of yellow and orange, while trees like white oak settle into a deep red. All of it makes for a perfect time to hike among the trails or take a trip through Shawnee Wine Trail.

The Best Places to See Fall Colors:

  1. The canopies of Shawnee National Forest — with a great overhead view from Garden of the Gods.
  2. More outdoor trails (including horseback riding) at Giant City State Park.
  3. The many wine trails, lakes, and other activities near Carbondale.


Southern Illinois

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