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Rocket Ice Arena

180 Canterbury Ln., Bolingbrook, IL 60440

Other Sports Venues

Rocket Ice Skating Rink is your premier destination for ice skating and hockey lessons in Naperville, Bolingbrook and the southwest suburbs of Chicago.

Rocket Ice has two full sized ice skating rinks- Lake Placid and Lake Tahoe. We are also the home of the Sabre Youth Hockey Association and Starfire Synchronized Ice Skating Teams.

Rocket Ice Skating Rink offers a diverse selection of ice skating and hockey lessons perfect for any age and ability level. Their Learn to Skate Lessons are based on the model used by the United States Figure Skating Association and are taught by our professional coaches.

They also offer Rockin’ Public Skate times year round with character skates and themed music. Ice skating with your family and friends to their rockin’ music is a great way to have fun on weekends, days off school, and holiday breaks! See their Public Skate page for a monthly calendar of upcoming themes and times.

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