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Richardson Adventure Farm & Corn Maze

909 English Prairie Road, Spring Grove, IL 60081


Home of the World's Largest Corn Maze! There's lots to do for all ages -- slides, pedal carts, jumping pillows, a carousel, wagon rides, pig races, and a 50' tall observation tower.

Fall Fun for the Whole Family! Establish your family "basecamp" in our shaded picnic area, and from there, everyone can find the things they love to do. The little ones will love our play area, with slides, the corn bin cabin, pedal trikes, and the goat walk. The whole family will enjoy our new Live Pig Races show, watching to see if Squeller or Boss Hog brings home the bacon!

How often can you say that when you went pumpkin picking, you also rode across a 700' Zip Line and got lost in the worlds largest corn maze? Twitter that to your friends! Richardson Adventure Farm is one of few locations in the United States that has ORBiting, where you'll put yourself inside a giant, 11' ball, and then roll and bounce down the slope—it is awesome! Plan to spend the whole day, and likely you'll be back several times throughout the year. Picnic area, campfires, great food and fun for the whole family.

When the winter winds move in and all you can think about is Christmas Cheer please join us at Richardson's Tree Farm for a beautiful farm grown Christmas tree! Bring in the holiday season by starting a family tradition at Richardson's with a cut your own Christmas tree, garland, or wreath! You are welcome to bring your dog if it is on a leash and plays well with others.

What's happening nearby...

Richardson Farm Tulip Festival

Richardson Adventure Farm •  Apr 20 – May 20 @ 11AM

Tulip Festival! Yes, that’s right! Tulips – the flower of Passion! 5 acres of them! 250,000 bulbs - 30 different varieties plus 50,000 daffodils!

Read more about Richardson Farm Tulip Festival

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