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Historic Nauvoo Visitor's Center

290 N. Main Street, Nauvoo, IL 62354

History Museums

Begin your exploration of historic Nauvoo here! Gather information on the restored homes, shops, and religious buildings in Historic Nauvoo and register for guided tours to select sites. There is no charge for entry or tours.

The Historic Nauvoo Visitors’ Center is the appropriate starting point for your visit beginning Memorial Day 2021Guests may view exhibits and a diorama of Old Nauvoo, register for guided tours, obtain a brochure, and find restrooms. During the summer months, the Visitors’ Center features live entertainment in one of the theaters, and short introductory films are generally available throughout the year at various times of day.  A walk through the beautiful and inspiring Monument to Women garden, honoring women of the past, present and future, is a highlight.
Visitors may plan and register for free guided tours to the historic sites at the Visitor’s Center and find volunteers to answer questions. 
The Mormon Pioneer National Historic Trail Passport Stamp for Nauvoo is located at the Historic Nauvoo Visitors’ Center! The Passport to Your National Parks program is a voluntary program that nearly all parks within the National Park Service (NPS) participate. While official NPS passports are not available at the Visitors’ Center,  you can purchase one at several other locations and begin recording your visits to NPS sites by stamping your passport with a rubber cancellation stamp. The note the name of the passport community and the date it was visited. The stamps also provide a record of your adventures.

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