The Indian Boundary Prairies
Gensburg-Markham, Dropseed, Paintbrush & Sundrop Prairies, Markham, IL 60428
The Indian Boundary Prairies lie just south of Chicago. These dedicated Illinois Nature Preserves exemplify some of the best remnant, high-quality tallgrass prairie in the Midwest.
Located only 26 miles southwest of Chicago. Over 200 acres of pristine Illinois native prairie, much like the area was pre-settlement. Wildflowers, birds, butterflies abound! Prairie slide shows and tours available with advance notice. Open M-Su Dawn-Dusk.
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Located only 26 miles southwest of Chicago. Over 200 acres of pristine Illinois native prairie, much like the area was pre-settlement. Wildflowers, birds, butterflies abound! Prairie slide shows and tours available. Tours by appointment.