Fox River Trolley Museum
Rte. 31, 3 blocks south of State St., South Elgin, IL 60177
Celebrating more than 100 years of electric trolleys, this museum has original electric trains and cars that travel a three-mile circuit along the scenic Fox River.
Starting first as the Railway Investment Club in August of 1959 and then incorporating as Railway Equipment Leasing and Investment Co. (RELIC) in September of 1961 the Fox River Trolley Museum started to take roots. Our present day museum property was purchased from a family on the line and our substation was purchased from Commonwealth Edison and reassembled on our site. A new electric railroad literally had to be brought in and assembled. All this by a group many of whom had never worked a day in their life for an actual railroad. All was in place and the Relic Trolly Museum opened in 1966! The first rides were 50¢ and only went about as far as the present day car barn which was as far as the trolley wire had been strung.