Centralia Carillon
114 North Elm Street, Centralia, IL 62801
The Centralia Carillon currently ranks as one of the ten largest in the world, consisting of 65 bells that were cast in Annecy, France, in 1982 and 1983, by the Paccard Fonderie de Cloches.
The Bourdon bell, Great Tom, pitched G, has a weight of 11,000 pounds and a diameter of 79.5 inches. The smallest bell, pitched C, weighs 20 pounds, with a diameter of 8 inches. The total bell weight is 61,312 pounds making it one of the heaviest instruments in the world. In 1992, a five and a half octave "North American Standard" practice keyboard was installed. This keyboard is now located at the Carillon Offices and is throughout available to the resident Carillonist and guest Carillonists.
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